After A Young Catholic Priest With Dreadlocks was ordained, Check what Aisha Yesufu Said About Him

There are images of an ordained young man like a viral Catholic Priest. As a consequence of the kind of coat he was wearing, the principal explanation of why the images by the young Catholic priest were brought to the attention of many.
The young man in Canada has been ordained a priest. And many Nigerians responded to his images after his photos became viral. There have been so many mixed social media responses by Nigerians. The Nigerians who reacted to his pictures were also the famous activist Aisha Yesufu, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. Aisha Yesufu clarified that, despite the dreadlocks, she felt she felt the young man, ordained as a Catholic priest
She spoke of him as a Catholic priest, and how clear it was in her tweet about the youngster Catholic priest. "He is a Catholic priest. I thought that was pretty obvious" She said in her words. She did not judge the young man from the way she sounded. This is her tweet screenshot
And if you judge people from their viewpoints, it's not true for everybody. Look, they say they're deceitful, and you'll end up projecting a different picture of what the person is actually when you judge the person by the way he or she looks. So before we start judging them, that's best we know people.


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